Modules – Trades


Volven Trading Terminal gathers all your crypto trades in one format and can even fetch historical trades on exchange from before you started algorithmic crypto trading with Volven. To view your latest trades on exchange in Volven, open up the “Trades” module. Here you will find a clear overview of your recently executed trades, both manual and algorithmic. You can also export all the trades with all their statistics to make tax reporting more straightforward, the same way as you can export orders.

Suggested filter(s):

Show your trades in the last 24hrs: Time IS GREATER OR EQUAL TO ‘-24h’ (the -24h function can be accessed by clicking the calendar icon next to the selection)

List of data columns:

  1. Exchange: Crypto Exchange name
  2. Side: Shows which side was the executed trade, BUY or SELL
  3. Size: How much was executed, i.e., size of the trade.
  4. Product: Which product for this trade
  5. Price: Shows the price at which the trade was executed
  6. Aggressive: Shows if the trade was taker/maker. If aggressive is true, then the trade was executed as a taker
  7. Time: The time when trade was executed
  8. Acc ID: Your account ID
  9. Account: Which account (name of the API Key) was this order sent from
  10. App ID: If an algorithm executed the trade, this column would display the algorithm app id
  11. Fee: How much fee was paid for this trade
  12. Fee CCY: Which currency was used to pay the fee
  13. Maker order ID: If your order was a taker order, this column would display your maker counterparty’s order ID
  14. Taker order ID: If your order was a maker order, this column would display your taker counterparty’s order ID
  15. Trade ID: Your trade ID for this trade
  16. User ID: Your user ID
  17. Email: Your account email